Fall Update 2020

Hi all,

We hope that this note finds you well. We recognize that life has not been easy for many people and now, more than ever, we need to connect and support one another.

It certainly has not been business as usual the past nine months but the WCRA membership has been working behind the scenes to move forward our mission and mandate. Networking activity and in-person events have been significantly impacted due to COVID-19, and like many people we have been looking for ways to adapt as a result.

Please see below information and updates on matters that impact our community.

WCRA Board Meetings:

Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) has been scheduled for December 3, 2020 at 7:30pm. It will be a virtual meeting (link and details to be provided to all members). Please save the date and hope to see you then!

The Board recently voted on a motion to waive the annual due for 2020 given the lack of networking events this year.

The Board has been networking with the Federation of North Toronto Resident’s Associations (FoNTRA). They are a well-organized group comprised of over 40 associations which represent over 40,000 households. We see an opportunity for advocacy work on specific issues that will have widespread impact to our community.

We have been exploring different ways to connect and engage with the community. A number of WCRA members have been working with the “We Love Willowdale” group supporting the marginalized and less fortunate in our neighborhood. A lot of coordination is happening through the “Willowdale Neighbours Connect” Facebook group.

Reimagine Yonge:

I am sorry to report that this project continues to be delayed due to a number factors. The good news, at this point, is that the capital funding is still available. We will be exploring this topic in more detail during our AGM on December 3rd.

Construction Projects:

The Willowdale Avenue road project is now complete. The newly installed bike lanes have been getting good use with minimal impact to traffic flow at this point. Any questions or concerns about this can be directed to Councilor Filion’s office.

The watermain restoration project is nearing completion. This was a messy and disruptive project for many people in our neighborhood, but it was much needed. Any questions or concerns about this project can be directed to the City of Toronto (link below) or call 311.



Warm Regards,


On behalf of the WCRA